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Strengthening our Long-Term Care Financing Framework

Long-term care financing in Singapore is based on the principle of collective responsibility, with multiple tiers of support via (i) targeted Government subsidies and financial assistance, or community support for those with less financial means; (ii) insurance to pool risks across the population, and (iii) personal / family savings for individuals and families to take responsibility for their own care.

To strengthen our long-term care financing framework, the Ministry of Health introduced CareShield Life and MediSave Care, and also enhanced Government support for long-term care through new schemes such as ElderFund and the Home Caregiving Grant.

Long-Term Care Financing Schemes and Subsidies

1. Government Subsidies in Eligible Facilities
Home and Community Care Residential services (e.g. nursing home care)
Means-tested subsidy of up to 80% Means-tested subsidy of up to 75%
Click here for the full subsidy tables.

2. Long-Term Care Financing Schemes
CareShield Life
A long-term care insurance scheme covering development of severe disability, that covers all Singaporeans born in 1980 or later, from age 30, regardless of pre-existing medical conditions or disability. It provides payouts starting at $600/month for life, as long as the policyholder has severe disability, and is an enhancement from the existing ElderShield scheme.

A long-term care insurance scheme covering development of severe disability. It provides payouts of $300/month or $400/month for 5 or 6 years. The scheme is closed from Nov 2021 as CareShield Life is made available to all Singaporeans aged 30 and above.

MediSave Care
Cash withdrawals of up to $200/month for Singaporeans aged 30 and above who have developed severe disability. Withdrawals can be made from their own and/or their spouses' MediSave for their long-term care needs.

Interim Disability Assistance Scheme (IDAPE)
Cash assistance of $150/month or $250/month for up to 6 years, for low-income Singapore Citizens who have developed severe disability and were unable to join ElderShield in 2002 due to their age or pre-existing disabilities then.

A discretionary assistance scheme that provides cash assistance of $150/month or $250/month, for lower-income Singapore Citizens aged 30 and above who have developed severe disability, who are not eligible for CareShield Life, ElderShield, and/or Interim Disability Assistance Programme for the Elderly (IDAPE), and need additional financial support for long-term care.

Pioneer Disability Assistance Scheme (PioneerDAS)
Cash assistance of $100/month for life, for moderately disabled Pioneers who always require some assistance with at least 3 out of the 6 Activities of Daily Living. 

Seniors Mobility and Enabling Fund (SMF)
Means-tested subsidies for assistive devices and home healthcare items for seniors who are living at home and with a qualified needs assessment.

Home Caregiving Grant (HCG)
Monthly payout of $250 or $400 per month, to defray caregiving costs for eligible care recipients living in the community. The care recipient should always require some assistance with at least three of the six Activities of Daily Living.
Migrant Domestic Worker Levy Concession for Persons with Disablities (MDW Levy Concession (PWD)) 
Lower levy of $60/month, for a household who hires a foreign domestic worker to care for a patient. The patient should always require some assistance with at least 1 Activity of Daily Living.

Caregivers Training Grant (CTG)
Annual subsidy of $200 for caregivers to attend approved courses to better care for their loved ones.